Cyrus Family
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Category: 1000003,Reunion Memories

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John Eric Cobb - Jun 29,2000   Viewers 
I seen in the Cyrus Family web page that you are requesting memories of the homecoming.
I have some pertaining to me.
I am 35 years old. I have only missed 1 reunion.
1.A.) When I was around 10 or so....I wondered into the cow field outside the graveyard. I was told there was a pond down there in the valley. So I went by myself having never been down there. I got a quarter of the way when I had my first 'shocking' experience. I found the electric fence.
1.B.) Another time I got scared...I hiked the wooded area out front of the homeplace to get to where the old school house was when I heard some kind of racket out in the distance. I walked and walked for what seemed like a very long way, when I discovered this big machine bobbing up and down. I ran all the way back. I later realize it was a old pumper working.
2.) I don't know if others do this, but every year as long as I can remember, I always had my picture taken on the old tractors in the pole barn or in the main barn. I keep that tradition alive with my kids now.
3.) Everyone has done this....Tadpole hunting in the creek! NEW SHOES NOT NEW NOW!
4.) One year a turtle wondered into the front lawn of the house with all the people walking by and not paying attention. I wanted to keep it but dad said 'no, It belongs here.' and we let it go in the garden area on the other side of the fence. I am glad I left it now.
5.) My cousin, Tracy Wagoner, and I always went into the barn and grinding the kernels off the cob in the little room in the barn. It had an old fashion hand cranked corn grinder there. We would come running out with a handful of corn to hand feed the horses. I remember the sloppy wet tongue of the horse on my hand eating the corn. This was before eating and we didn't wash....after all...we was in the country.
6.) THIS YEAR, 2000, .... I sat my plate, overfilled of food, down to go get me some of the traditional Blackberry Dumplings. I asked my wife and son to watch it for me. When I returned my chicken leg was gone. My son said the dog came by and snatched it off my plate quicker than he could react.

There you go Gary. Hope you can use them. I think you might be wanting memories a little bit older than this.
John Cobb
Grandson of Roberta (Cyrus) Loar
Son of Marcella Dixon

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