Cyrus Family
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Favorite option: If you want this item to be marked as a favorite, click on the black heart.   Wow, what a wonderful Sunday!  
Phil McKenzie - May 29,2008   Viewers 
    Can you believe the wonderful weather we had on Sunday, mixed with the food, laughs, and yes tears, it was wonderful.
When you are up on the hill, can you hear the past or is it just me? Carolyn says that I have problems with my hearing, I just hear what I want to hear! My kids say that I have lost my hearing due to age! (I'll age them!) But when I am up on that hill I see the stories that papa and mama use to tell me. I hear the men talking and the women hollering for the kids to come in! I see and hear Aunt Olva walking across the way talking about growing up with a family that love has no boundries. I can see and hear papa with his white shirt on with the sleves rolled up talking about his home coming in the sky! I can taste the dumplings that mama made! I remember mom yelling at me to get out of that creek! Wow, I get all of that from just a few hours on a Sunday afternoon 1 time a year! Can we reunion maybe once a month? As papa would say, now that is something to ponder.
Cousin Phil

Linda Jo Beck - May 31,2008   Viewers  | Reply
    Philip.....You described it to a tee! Except I remember my Mom's loud laugh....& Aunt Pearl hollering as each of her loved ones walked into the kitchen. And playing with each of my FIRST cousins....didn't much know about SECOND cousins...& Uncle Jeff bringing the old bull into the front yard.....& getting to ride the horses! We each have cherished memories & that is what it is all about. Thank YOU, Phil....for stepping up to talk & fill in for the loved ones we miss so much! You did a great job.....didn't know you could be so funny. And let me tell you....this was the FIRST Homecoming I wore PANTS!! 'Cause my Mom said we have to wear a is SUNDAY, for goodness sakes!! But you are so was a Wonderful Sunday!! And I, too, can taste Aunt Adeline's dumplin's. But I'm sure you, like me, could feel their beautiful spirits that day.
They were all there with us! And Bud's weiner roast was just great!! (Thanks, Bud!)

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