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Jeff Dixon - Apr 21,2014   Viewers 
    Click on the link to see video.
Make video 'full screen' for best viewing.

This is video taken by Roy Elmer (8MM). The quality is pretty poor, but it has been converted several times to newer/different formats. I found some video editing software and converted it one more time to slow it down. So, even if you've watched it before, watch it again. You may see additional people you recognize.


Jeff Cobb - Apr 27,2014   Viewers  | Reply
    This is amazing. I wish I knew who some of theis people are.     
John Eric Cobb - Apr 30,2014   Viewers  | Reply
    Jeffery, 5 years before your dad was even born! What is amazing to me is that although some I never met
personally and/or too young to remember meeting them, I recognized them from the many pictures that I
have seen and it is so great seeing them actually moving and walking about! Wish there were more
'Moving pictures'.
Jeff Dixon - Apr 30,2014   Viewers  | Reply
    Getting several inquiries about these videos. Here is what I know and what I think I know. PLEASE correct my errors!!!

Date for the Homecoming was May 29, 1960. Linda and I determined 1960 because her Robb is the baby walking on the sidewalk. Robby was born June 19, 1959.

The powder blue Desoto (1953?) parked right by the yard gate was Mom's (Aunt Bert). She bought it from Uncle Frank. There is a bright red Desoto (1956?) in the road that belonged to Uncle Frank and would eventually be sold to Mom. I began always checking out Uncle Frank's ride, figuring it would soon be ours. I took my driving test in the Red Desoto 5 years later.

People I recognize:

Aunt Tilda
Uncle Lindsay
Aunt Adeline
Aunt Dorothy
Uncle John (good shot in the church video)
Uncle Jeff
Aunt Pearl
Uncle Sheridan
Aunt Irene
Uncle Ernest (in the church video)
Uncle Frank
Aunt Priscilla
Aunt Lucy
Uncle Elman Clay
Mom - Aunt Roberta

I think I saw Billy Joe carrying 4 year old Karen Jo.
Bascom I think riding on motorcycle.
lois Pigg
Eleanor Dixon
Jimmy Muncy
Marcella Dixon
Irene Wellman and her boys
Berta Pigg (In church video, she is the one w/broken leg)
Mary Wellman
Freda Wellman
Leonard Wellman
Rob Beck's dad, Bob Buttler

There's more, I remember their faces, but am afraid of putting the wrong names to. I would have been 11 Years old.

If you didn't see one of these, it's possible I have them wrong.

If you can, tell us who some I missed are.
Saundra K Vallance-Luther - May 04,2014   Viewers  | Reply
    Jeff I shed a tear watching 10 year old Rheada Jane trying to keep her
little brother Phillip in tow. In the yard by the front gate. Aunt Nancy
McKenzie, and Uncle Ted was standing by some men. Ted was so
tall and partly bald.

The other film must have been 68 or 69' because Billy Ray was born in
61'.... almost to the end of the film.... A table of food in the side yard...
And 5,6 or 7 year old Billy Ray, with his burr hair cut.- walked right
beside the table.... It seems you only could see his head. Then his
mom Ruthie and Uncle Ron walk in..... These photos really touched my
Brenda Bond - May 31,2014   Viewers  | Reply
    What a wonderful video. I could watch it over and over again, and WILL!. The year was definitely 1960. I saw a glimpse of my Mom (Ruby) pregnant with me. I was born Dec, 1960. Jeff, you are correct, Dad (Bascom) was on the motorcyle (in the plaid shirt). Anyone know who the other motorcyclist was?
The church video is wonderful also. Not only a good shot of Granddad (John Martin), but a fantastic shot of Grandma (Dorothy) looking straight into the camera along with Aunt Roberta. Wonderful tears shed over this one too!!
Thanks so much for sharing these.
Frank Muncy - Jun 05,2014   Viewers  | Reply
    Brenda, I am pretty sure that the other motor cycle rider is Donald Muncy. Maybe Jim or Bill would know for sure.     
Brenda Bond - Jun 14,2014   Viewers  | Reply
    Frank, I was thinking it was Don also, but not sure. His hair looks so dark or was that a hat? I'll have to show this to Jim and Bill to see if they know.     

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