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   Jeffrey Wayne Jones - May 26,2009  Viewers 
Greetings, A lot of you folks don't know me, some of you do, I am Jeff Jones, son -in-law to Jerry Cyrus who is actually more like a brother to me, I love him and his Wife Marilyn Dearly, every year I look forward to coming to louisa for the annual Cyrus Family Reunion, you see, when I was growing up we had a huge Family, but we never got together, never got to see very many of my Aunts,Uncles or cousins. Let me tell you I sure regret that. I guess the reason we all never got together was because of certain divisions within the family. There should NEVER be divisions in Family. The reason I love coming to the Cyrus reunion is because so many of you have taken in me and my Wife Jessica and made us feel like such a part of the Family, I crave Family life, I see Jerry and Marilyn about every day, we just live down the road from them. they are my best friends.Jessica and I decided about 6 months ago to start out on our own business, filming Weddings and Family reunions and just about everything else you would want on film. I told Jessica I said'we have to film this reunion, some members may not be around next year' to me a video of this would be priceless, I can honestly say I would give $1,000.00 if someone had a video of me and my family 30 years ago, that is how much I value Family. I don't mean to ramble on but I wanted to take this time to say Thank You to so many who have made Jessica and me feel loved and part of this beautiful Family. about 25 years ago me and Billy Ray use to Jam, play music and just loaf around, when he played around here, we were all buddies little did I know back then that I would find myself in this Family, and I am so honored to be a part of you. Thanks Again for the love and friendship.
Sincerely, Jeff Jones

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