Cyrus Family
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Category: 1000004,Family Memories

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 - Sep 22,2000   Viewers 
    Maybe I just like to tell stories of my family--but here is another--Billy Ray told me this first by phone then when we visited him at Tish's shower--The night before Tish had a wreck in a jeep on a rainy evening Billy had a dream of Aunt Olva(He has let it be known that she was a very favorite of his,) of course this was 9 years after her death. He said in his dream that he was looking out his window and Aunt Olva came in a cab and got out and started carrying in luggage-lots of luggage--one piece after another--that she just kept carrying in luggage. He said the dream was so real that when he first woke up he expected to see her.
He related the dream to Tish and went on through his day which ended with Tish having the wreck--When he got to the hospital he went straight to where Tish was and could not believe that she was not hurt--he had to pass where the wreck had been to get to the hospital and it didn't look good--
Billy asked her if she was very sure she was alright and she told him that Yes she was sure because she felt arms going around her in the front seat when the jeep rolled. In fact the jeep was not dented in ... IT WAS DENTED OUT! Tish felt assured that everything would be alright Braison Chance was the baby then and he had a small cut on his forehead--Tish had never met Billy's Aunt Olva but she sensed and knew who was there to help her. Aunt Olva had moved in the night before to be their Guardian Angel the next day!!!!!!!!!!! A very true story.

JoDell Lynn Luther - Sep 23,2000   Viewers  | Reply
    Billy told me that story too Connie.. I love it and it makes me feel so at peace when I think about it!     
Christa Leigh Cyrus - May 17,2003   Viewers  | Reply
    I don't know how I looked over reading this until now, but glad I did Connie! I have no doubt that Cousin Olva did just that. That gives me chills!!! Those good ones!!     
Saundra K Vallance-Luther - Oct 06,2007   Viewers  | Reply
    Connie, Well better late than never... I just took the time to read all of these comments. I was riding in the car with Billy Ray when he called you... Jodi & I had been their guests for a week [In Nashville]. I think we were heading back from Opry Land. Anyway, I also remember him telling you: The wrecked car was caved outward. So instead of being dented inward... It was like a big pillow had pushed the top of the car outward. Knowing that the car had rolled over many times that would normally been impossible. I still get chills when I remember that true conversation.     

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