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Jeff Dixon - Jul 28,2008   Viewers 
    Title: Goulash (not Hungarian) Description: Carol Phillips asked me if I had any old recipes. After writing it for her I decided to add it to the site:

When my kids were little I cooked everyday. I don't cook anymore. But my daughters still ask me to make 'Goulash'.

This is not the traditional Hungarian Goulash, it is similar to what some call ChiliMac (not as spicy). It is a recipe Mom got when she first married Dad and was living with the Dixon's in Louisa (1937?). I'm not sure (linda might know) but I think it came from a neighbor named Billups.

Ingredients: 1 lb Ground Chuck
1 onion diced
8-10 oz Elbow Macaroni
1 can of diced tomatoes (Mom used her own canned tomatoes, much better)
1 can of light red kidney beans
Directions: In a sauce pan, add macaroni to boiling water, stir occasionally. In large skillet, brown the hamburger with the diced onion.
When hamburger is brown, add tomatoes and kidney beans. Raise heat to bring 'mixture' to a boil.
When macaroni is almost done (just beginning to get soft, not soft enough to eat), drain and add to the 'mixture'.
Cook and stir 'mixture' till macaroni is done (soft).
Salt to taste.

Mom had bread with every meal, so we eat Goulash with buttered bread.
Number Of Servings:6 Preparation Time:15 - 20 minutes

John Eric Cobb - Aug 19,2008   Viewers  | Reply
    One of my Moms (cousin Marcella Dixon) favorites!
My Mom passed that recipe down to me and I make it quite often!
Mom used 2 large cans of Whole Peeled Tomatoes, cored them and sliced them herself and two cans of kidney beans. (I sometimes use 1 large can). She also didn't boil the macaroni but added it uncooked to the mixture in a large 5QT pot and let it simmer covered until soft to eat. I think she would let it stand for 15 mins or so after it was done.
All my kids love it!!!! Makes excellent leftover! Kids eat it cold in a sandwich sometimes. Oh yes, GOT TO HAVE THE BUTTERED BREAD!!!!
Hermia Shifflette - Jan 07,2011   Viewers  | Reply
    Mom learned this from Gramma Dixon. Mom cooked the macaroni in the stew and later on liked to add red pepper flakes. I do that and have learned to use part or all Stewed Tomatoes, sliced small. Best the second day!

I welcome the subject of family foods. It pulls everyone closer around the table with family intimacy.
John Eric Cobb - Jan 09,2011   Viewers  | Reply
I agree! Love the recipes! I do most of the cooking in my house.
I passed this down to my son Jeffery who cooks it at his house
for his family, So that Goulash recipe has at least been passed
down 5 generations in our family! Amazing!!!
Jeff Dixon - Jan 10,2011   Viewers  | Reply
Now you have me doubting the facts of Goulash being introduced to the Dixon family. I do recall specifically asking Mom where the recipe came from, and her telling me it came from her very good friend (and neighbor of Grandma) Ms Billups.

What I don't recall is when I asked. It could have been when Mom's was sick and her mind was not as it had once been. Another possibility is that the recipe went from Ms. Billips to Grandma and then to Mom?? We may never know for sure but we know it is delicious.

While on the Goulash subject, do you remember (or did you ever hear) the story of Mom taking the recipe home to the Cyrus Homeplace? Maybe you'll remember it better than me.

Mom served the Goulash to Poppy Joe, who I think was very ill at the time. Poppy Joe believed tomatoes to be poisonous (which was a common misconception of the time **), and when he saw the tomatoes in his Goulash exclaimed 'Why Sally, would you do that to me?'.

** (click here for tomato poison info )

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